I'm a research scientist with Unity Technologies where I work in a small research group called Unity Labs Grenoble. I'm particularly interested in topics at the intersection of learning and computer graphics, such as by-example content creation (.e.g., texture synthesis), image analysis (e.g. intrinsic decomposition) and rendering.
In recent years I have worked on both Computer Graphics and Computer Vision projects at Strasbourg University, Inria, and ETH Zürich. Please browse my website or that of Unity Labs Grenoble for more information regarding my CV and/or research activities.
Note that we're always looking for motivated interns in this field: please refer to our group's website for more information, and feel free to get in touch.
News Feed
- [R] Our paper A Halfedge Refinement Rule for Parallel Loop Subdivision was accepted at the Eurographics 2022 conference short papers track.
- [R] Our paper A Halfedge Refinement Rule for Parallel Catmull-Clark Subdivision was accepted at the HPG 2021 conference and will be published in CGF journal as part of the top 30% HPG papers.
- [R] Our paper A Sliced Wasserstein Loss for Neural Texture Synthesis was accepted at the CVPR 2021 conference.
- [O] Our blog post Real-time style transfer in Unity using deep neural networks is out on the Unity Blog.
- [O] I became a father late 2019 and took 8 months of parttime parental leave in 2020.
- [R] We're presenting a poster about Multi-Stylization of Video Games in Real-Time guided by G-buffer Information at the High Performance Graphics 2019 conference.
- [R] Our paper Unsupervised Deep Single-Image Intrinsic Decomposition using Illumination-Varying Image Sequences was accepted at the Pacific Graphics 2018 conference.
- [R] Our paper WESPE was accepted at the NTIRE 2018 CVPR workshop.
- [R] Our paper DARN: a Deep Adversarial Residual Network for Intrinsic Image Decomposition was accepted at WACV 2018.
- [R] Our paper DSLR-Quality Photos on Mobile Devices with Deep Convolutional Networks was accepted at ICCV 2017.
- [O] Our documentary animation film VarCity: the Video is out! And it will be the subject of a SIGGRAPH TALK this summer in Los Angeles.
- [R] Our paper Visual Quality Assessment of 3D Models: on the Influence of Light-Material Interaction was accepted at ACM transactions on applied perception.
- [R] Our paper Repeated Pattern Detection using CNN activations was accepted at IEEE WACV 2017.
- [R] Our paper Comparative study of texture synthesis for content generation in ultrasound training simulation was accepted at SPIE Medical Imaging 2017.
- [R] I have now moved to ETH Zürich, more precisely in the Computer Vision Lab.
- [R] I will join Luc Van Gool's group in the Computer Vision Lab at ETH Zürich starting February 2016 for a post-doc.
- [O] I have put online a CV section on this website. It contains a detailed list of my student and professional history.
- [R] A pre-print of our EGSR 2015 paper Unifying Color and Texture Transfer for Predictive Appearance Manipulation is now online in the research section.
- [O] I'm a candidate for the CNESER elections (French national research and higher education council), in the "researchers" sector of the "EPST" (French research institutes). More information can be found in the dedicated section.
- [R] In June, I will receive one of the 20 Prix de thèse 2015 de l'Université de Strasbourg. These prices are annually given to 20 outstanding PhD thesises that were presented in the previous year.
- [R] Our paper Unifying Color and Texture Transfer for Predictive Appearance Manipulation was conditionally accepted at the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2015.
- [R] A pre-print of our CGI 2015 paper Simplification of Meshes with Digitized Radiance is now online in the research section.
- [R] Our paper Simplification of Meshes with Digitized Radiance has been conditionnally accepted for the Computer Graphics International 2015 conference.
- [E] During the spring semester of 2015, I will teach the C language course (lectures+practical sessions) in the 3rd year of the electronics department at Polytech Nice Sophia-Antipolis / Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis.
- [R] The talk slides and text and all documents regarding the paper Local Random-Phase Noise for Procedural Texturing are now available in the research section.
- [R] The paper Local Random-Phase Noise for Procedural Texturing is now available in the research section.
- [R] I started a post-doctoral position (Inria funding) on october 2014, in the REVES group of INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée near Nice.
- [R] Our paper titled Local Random-Phase Noise for Procedural Texturing has been conditionnally accepted for the Siggraph Asia 2014 conference.
- [R] I will present our CGF paper Robust Fitting on Poorly Sampled Data for Surface Light Field Rendering and Image Relighting at the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2014 in Lyon in June.
- [R] I am co-responsible for the "student volunteer program" of Eurographics 2014 which will take place in Strasbourg next April.
- [R] I will defend my PhD thesis on tuesday february 18th 2014 in room A207 of the Pôle API building in Illkirch at 2pm. The defence is open to public, as is the reception that will follow :)
- [E] During the spring semester of 2014, I will teach the databases cours (theory and practical sessions) and the object-oriented programming course (practical sessions) in 2nd year bachelor level.
- [R] Our paper On-the-Fly Multi-Scale Infinite Texturing from Example has been accepted for the Siggraph Asia 2013 conference.
- [R] Our paper Robust Fitting on Poorly Sampled Data for Surface Light Field Rendering and Image Relighting will be published by fall in Computer Graphics Forum.
- [O] From July 8th to 12th 2013, I have the chance of participating to the summer school entitled Development of leadership skills for employment in enterprise, government and academia, organised by the League of European Research Universities (LERU).
- [R] From July 1st to 5th 2013, I'll attend the Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing conference where I'll present our Simplification of triangle meshes with radiance attribute.
- [O] From January 1st 2013, I'm an elected representative of the scientific council of the University of Strasbourg, together with Lionel Untereiner, as a representant of the PhD candidates of the "Sciences & Technologies" sector.